Age and Difficulty Categories, Course Obstacles
Information, and Physical Fitness Recommendations
All obstacles mentioned may or may not be included in the final Aotearoa Toa ninja course. Obstacles will be changed, removed, adapted, or replaced with a variety of different obstacles for all three levels of difficulty. The obstacle list is not confirmed and may change on the day of the competition. Obstacle difficulty levels and age recommendations are only a guide, and participants can register for any difficulty level.
Competition Categories:
All categories are divided into male, female and non binary
Youth B: 7-9 (Blue Course)
Youth A: 10-15 (Green Course Males/ Blue Course Females)
Junior: 16-19 (Red Course Males/ Green Course Females)
Open: 20+ (Red Course Males/ Red or Green Course Females)
Masters: 40+ (Red Course Males/ Green Course Females)
Course Difficulty, Fitness & Age Recommendations:
Fitness recommendations are more like guidelines, so you don't have to meet every single one to compete.
Beginners Fitness recommendations:
● Hang for up to 30 seconds
● Can jump 1 to 1.5 meters
● Can Rock climb Up to V0 or grade 15
● Can do the monkey bars
● Can rope pull up to 20KG
● Can reach the top of a quarter pipe skate ramp -
Intermediate Fitness recommendations:
● Hang for up to 1 minute
● Can standing jump at or over 1.5 meters
● Can running stride at or over 1.5 meter distances
● Can rock climb V0-V3 or Grade 16 - 18
● Can skip monkey bars
● Can do a couple of double hand campus rungs or similar
● Can do a simple laché (swing, release and catch)
● Can rope pull up to 40kg
● Can reach the top of a half pipe skate ramp
● Can do a mantle or form of a climb up -
Advanced Fitness recommendations:
● Hang for over 1 minute
● Can standing jump over 2 meters
● Can running stride over 2 meters
● Can rock climb V4 or Grade 20 and above
● Can do brachiation on monkey bars (one arm at a time)
● Can do a standard double hand campus rungs or similar 5 or more times
● Can do a variety of laché (swing, release and catch)
● Can rope pull over 50kg
● Can do a 180 jump and catch from a cat hang/arm hang (Hanging in an arm
hang or cat hang (hands on the top edge of a block and feet touching the wall,
jump and spin 180 degrees and catch the top edge of the next block with hands
and feet on the wall)
● Can reach the top of a vert skate ramp, or complete a warped wall
● Can do a mantle or form of a climb up
Course Obstacle Outline:
Changes and variations from the advanced and intermediate course are made in italics. All advanced red obstacles and intermediate green obstacles are available for beginner participants to use at their own will. Penalties will be given for touching the ground or safety mats.
1. Maui Hooks: Swing using specially designed Maui hooks. Foot holds may be available to allow for a traverse.
2. Quad Steps: Navigate a series of four slanted steps, often at varying heights and distances, the tops of the steps can be held using hands, some steps have extra foot bridges to assist in the distance between steps.
3. Short Slanted Wall: Climb up a short slanted wall, with the aid of a rope.
4. Weighted Rope Pull, balance poles and beams: Drag a weight towards you using a rope. Additional balance poles and beams available for use.
5. Low Wall Climb around: traverse a low wall, using the holds if needed.
6. Monkey Bars or rings: Traverse across monkeys bars or rings using hands and fingers, requiring some grip strength.
7. Overhang Climbing wall: Climb upside down on large rock climbing holds including foot holds.
8. Box hop: Perform a jump between two boxes, a bar to assist is available.
9. Rope Swing: Swing from a rope to reach a platform or obstacle, demonstrating coordination and timing.
10. Spider Wall: Climb between two vertical walls, using opposing pressure with their hands and feet. The challenge involves moving horizontally along the walls, requiring balance, technique, and coordination. Hand and foot holds will be available.
11. Pipe Slider: Slide along a pipe or bar to reach a destination, demonstrating grip strength and coordination.
12. Warped Wall: Run up a curved wall and reach the Hanging ring, showcasing speed, agility, and explosive leg strength. Climb over the top using the ladder or rope. -
Changes and variations from the advanced course are made in italics. All advanced red obstacles are available for intermediate participants to use at their own will. Penalties will be given for touching BLUE obstacles, touching the ground or safety mats.
1. Maui Hooks: Swing using specially designed Maui hooks. Foot holds may not be available.
2. Quad Steps: Navigate a series of four slanted steps, often at varying heights and distances, the tops of the steps can be held using hands.
3. Short Slanted Wall: Climb up a short slanted wall, with the aid of a rope.
4. Weighted Rope Pull: Drag a weight towards you using a rope.
5. Low Wall Climb Over: Scale a low wall, showcasing agility and strength.
6. Cliffhanger Edges: Traverse across ledges using hands and fingers, requiring some grip strength and endurance.
7. Lache (Swing and Release Catches): Swing from one bar to another, releasing at the right moment to catch the next bar, demonstrating timing and coordination.
8. Overhang Climbing wall: Climb upside down on medium rock climbing holds including foot holds.
9. Box hop: Perform a jump between two boxes, a bar to assist is available.
10. Salmon Ladder or (Variation): Perform the classic Salmon Ladder or its variations, which involve lifting a bar up a series of rungs by performing pull-ups, showcasing explosive upper body strength.
11. Rope Swing: Swing from a rope to reach a platform or obstacle, demonstrating coordination and timing.
12. Spider Wall: Climb between two vertical walls, using opposing pressure with their hands and feet. The challenge involves moving horizontally along the walls, requiring balance, technique, and coordination. Some hand and foot holds will be available.
13. Pipe Slider: Slide along a pipe or bar to reach a destination, demonstrating grip strength and coordination.
14. Warped Wall: Run up a curved wall and reach the Hanging ring, showcasing speed, agility, and explosive leg strength. Climb over the top using the rope or ladder. -
All advanced RED participants are only to use marked RED obstacles. Penalties will be given for touching BLUE or GREEN obstacles, touching the ground or safety mats.
1. Maui Hooks: Swing using specially designed Maui hooks. Foot holds cannot be used.2. Quad Steps: Navigate a series of four slanted steps, often at varying heights and distances.
3. Short Slanted Wall: Climb up a short slanted wall
4. Weighted Rope Pull: Drag a weight towards you using a rope
5. Strides: Running jump between the low obstacles
6. Low Wall Climb Over: Scale a low wall, showcasing agility and strength.
7. Cliffhanger Edges: Traverse across narrow ledges using only fingertips, requiring exceptional grip strength and endurance.
8. Laché (Swing and Release Catches): Swing from one bar to another, releasing at the right moment to catch the next bar, demonstrating timing and coordination.
9. Overhang Climbing wall:Climb upside down on difficult rock climbing holds including foot holds.
10. Cat hang to cat leap return: Perform a cat leap return between a two boxes
11. Salmon Ladder or (Variation): Perform the classic Salmon Ladder or its variations, which involve lifting a bar up a series of rungs by performing pull-ups, showcasing explosive upper body strength.
12. Rope Swing: Swing from a rope to reach a platform or obstacle, demonstrating coordination and timing.
13. Spider Wall: Climb between two vertical walls, using opposing pressure with their hands and feet. The challenge involves moving horizontally along the walls, requiring balance, technique, and coordination.
14. Pipe Slider: Slide along a pipe or bar to reach a destination, demonstrating grip strength and coordination.
15. Warped Wall: Run up a curved wall and reach the top, showcasing speed, agility, and explosive leg strength. Climb over the top unassisted.